Interface for extension of LMC designs
Contains functions to generate and extend orthogonal arrays.
arraylist_t extend_arraylist(const arraylist_t &array_list, arraydata_t &array_class, OAextend const &oaextend_options)
Extend a list of orthogonal arrays
- Parameters:
array_list – The list of arrays to be extended
array_class – Class of arrays to generate
oaextend_options – Parameters for the extension algorithm
- Returns:
List of all generated arrays
arraylist_t extend_arraylist(const arraylist_t &array_list, const arraydata_t &arrayclass)
Extend a list of arrays with default options
int extend_arraylist(const arraylist_t &array_list, arraydata_t &array_class, OAextend const &oaextend_options, colindex_t extensioncol, arraylist_t &extensions)
Extend a list of orthogonal arrays
- Parameters:
array_list – The list of arrays to be extended
array_class – Class of arrays to generate
oaextend_options – Parameters for the extension algorithm
extensioncol – Index of column to be added to the designs
extensions – List to append generated designs to
- Returns:
List of all generated arrays
- Returns:
Number of candidate arrays generated
arraylist_t extend_array(const array_link &array, arraydata_t &array_class, OAextend const &oaextend)
Extend a single orthogonal array
- Parameters:
array – The array to be extended
array_class – Class of arrays to generate
oaextend – Parameters for the extension algorithm
arraylist_t extend_array(const array_link &array, arraydata_t &arrayclass)
Extend a single orthogonal array with the default LMC algorithm
int extend_array(const array_link &array, const arraydata_t *arrayclass, const colindex_t extension_column, arraylist_t &extensions, OAextend const &oaextend)
Extend an orthogonal array with a single column
- Parameters:
array – Array to extend
arrayclass – Array data for the full array
extension_column – Column to extend
extensions – List to which generated valid extensions are added
oaextend – Structure with options
- Returns:
Number of candidate extensions generated
arraylist_t runExtendRoot(arraydata_t arrayclass, int max_number_columns, int verbose = 0)
Run the LMC extension algorithm starting with the root array
class OAextend
- #include <extend.h>
Options for the extend code.
class containing parameters of the extension and LMC algorithm
Public Types
enum extendarray_mode_t
Specification of how to use the generated extensions.
append extension column to extension list
enumerator APPENDFULL
append full array to extension list
enumerator STOREARRAY
store extension to disk
enumerator NONE
do not store generated extensions
Public Functions
inline OAextend()
Options for the extension algorithm
inline OAextend(arraydata_t &arrayclass)
Options for the extension algorithm
The algorithm is automatically determined from the specified arrayclass.
void setAlgorithm(algorithm_t algorithm, arraydata_t *ad = 0)
Set the algorithm to use for LMC checks.
void setAlgorithmAuto(arraydata_t *ad = 0)
Set the algorithm automatically.
inline algorithm_t getAlgorithm() const
Return algorithm used.
inline std::string getAlgorithmName() const
Return algorithm used (as string)
void updateArraydata(arraydata_t *arrayclass = 0) const
update the options structuer with the specified class of designs
void info(int verbose = 1) const
print configuration to stdout
std::string __repr__() const
Public Members
double singleExtendTime
time before printing progress of single extension, [seconds]
int nLMC
number of arrays LMC tested before printing progress of single extension
int checkarrays
perform LMC test after generation of array
int check_maximal
if true then return at once if a single extension has been found
int use_row_symmetry
adds a symmetry check to the extension algorithm based in symmetry of row permutations
int init_column_previous
init column with previous column in extension (if in the same column group)
extendarray_mode_t extendarraymode
determines how the extension arrays are stored
arrayfile_t storefile
j5structure_t j5structure
Public Static Functions
static inline algorithm_t getPreferredAlgorithm(const arraydata_t &arrayclass, int verbose = 0)
Return preferred extension algorithm
- Parameters:
arrayclass – Class of designs to extend
verbose – Verbosity level
- Returns:
Algorithm selected to be used for this class
Private Members
algorithm_t algmode
Algorithm mode.
enum extendarray_mode_t
struct dextend_t
- #include <extend.h>
Structure for dynamic extension of arrays based on D-efficiencies.
Public Functions
inline dextend_t()
inline void resize(int nn)
void DefficiencyFilter(double Dfinal, int k, int kfinal, double Lmax, int verbose = 1)
perform filtering using D-efficiency
std::vector<int> filterArrays(const array_link &al, const arraylist_t &earrays, arraylist_t &earraysout, std::vector<std::vector<double>> &edata, int verbose = 1)
filter the arrays based on values in filter
Public Members
std::vector<int> lastcol
last column changed in lmc check
std::vector<double> Deff
calculated efficiency values
std::vector<int> filter
indices of filtered arrays
dcalc_mode Dcheck
int directcheck
perform immediate LMC check in extension
long ntotal
total number of arrays found
long nlmc
total number of arrays found in LMC form
long n
total number of arrays found passing all tests
double DmaxDiscard
long nmaxrnktotal
Public Static Attributes
static const int NO_VALUE = 0
inline dextend_t()