Interface for even-odd designs
Contains functions to generate even-odd designs.
The generation is done by defining a special ordering in the set of designs. The primary ordering is based in the J5 value of 5-column designs, the secondary ordering is the regular LMC ordering.
typedef Pareto<mvalue_t<long>, array_link>::pValue (*pareto_cb)(const array_link&, int)
callback function for Pareto calculations
typedef Pareto<mvalue_t<long>, array_link>::pValue (*pareto_cb_cache)(const array_link&, int, rankStructure &rs)
callback function for Pareto calculations with cache
void processDepth(const arraylist_t &goodarrays, depth_alg_t depthalg, depth_extend_t &dextend, depth_extend_sub_t &dextendsublight, int extensioncol, int verbose = 0)
Extend arrays using a depth-first or breadth-first approach
- Parameters:
goodarrays – List of arrays to extend
depthalg – Extend using depth-first or breadth-first
dextend – Option structure for the extension
dextendsublight – Data structure for the extensions
extensioncol – Column to extend
verbose – Verbosity level
void depth_extend_hybrid(const arraylist_t &alist, depth_extend_t &dextend, int extcol, const OAextend &oaextendx, int verbose)
depth-first extension of arrays. depending on the symmetry group of the array to be extended a direct method is used or a method with caching of candidate columns
void depth_extend_direct(const arraylist_t &alist, depth_extend_t &dextend, int extcol, const OAextend &oaextendx, int verbose)
variation of depth_extend for arrays with large symmetry groups
void depth_extend_array(const array_link &al, depth_extend_t &dextend, const arraydata_t &adfull, int verbose, depth_extensions_storage_t *ds = 0, int = 0)
depth extend a single array
template<class IndexType>
inline Pareto<mvalue_t<long>, IndexType>::pValue calculateArrayParetoJ5Cache(const array_link &al, int verbose, rankStructure &rs)
void addArraysToPareto(Pareto<mvalue_t<long>, array_link> &pset, pareto_cb paretofunction, const arraylist_t &arraylist, int jj, int verbose)
add arrays to set of Pareto results
void addArraysToPareto(Pareto<mvalue_t<long>, array_link> &pset, pareto_cb_cache paretofunction, const arraylist_t &arraylist, int jj, int verbose)
add arrays to set of Pareto results
void writeStatisticsFile(const char *numbersfile, const Jcounter &jc, int verbose)
write statistics object to disk
Jcounter calculateJstatistics(const char *afile, int jj = 5, int verbose = 1)
calculate J-value statistics
int compareJ54(const array_link &lhs, const array_link &rhs)
Return -1 if the first array is smaller in J54 ordering than the second array, 0 if equal and 1 otherwise
struct depth_path_t
- #include <evenodd.h>
structure containing current position in search tree
struct counter_t
- #include <evenodd.h>
structure to count and show number of arrays generated, the structure is thread safe
Public Functions
counter_t(int n)
void addNfound(int col, int num)
long nArrays() const
void addNumberFound(int n, int k)
void clearNumberFound()
void showcountscompact() const
show information about the number of arrays found
void showcounts(const arraydata_t &ad) const
show information about the number of arrays found
void showcounts(const char *str, int first, int last) const
show information about the number of arrays found
Public Members
std::vector<int> nfound
counter_t(int n)
struct depth_extend_sub_t
- #include <evenodd.h>
Helper structure for dynamic extension
In this structure we keep track of pointers to valid column extensions
Public Functions
inline depth_extend_sub_t(int nn = 0)
inline void resize(int nn)
inline size_t n() const
inline std::vector<int> updateExtensionPointers(int extcol)
arraylist_t initialize(const arraylist_t &alist, const arraydata_t &adf, const OAextend &oaextend)
initialize the new list of extension columns
inline arraylist_t selectArraysZ(const arraylist_t &alist) const
select the arrays with are LMC and hence need to be written to disk
inline arraylist_t selectArraysXX(const array_link &al, const arraylist_t &elist) const
inline void info() const
inline depth_extend_sub_t(int nn = 0)
struct depth_extend_t
- #include <evenodd.h>
Helper structure for dynamic extension.
This structure allows for writing the generated arrays to disk. It also contains functions to print progress of the extension.
Multiple copies of this class are made, but they all share the same counter_t and arraywriter_t object. Also t0 and tp are shared
Public Functions
inline depth_extend_t(const arraydata_t *ad_, double _logtime = 10000000, int _discardJ5 = -1)
inline depth_extend_t(const depth_extend_t &de)
inline ~depth_extend_t()
inline void show()
inline void setNarraysMax(long n)
inline void maxArrayCheck()
inline void showsearchpath(int depth) const
inline bool showprogress(int showtime = 1, int depth = 0, int forcelog = 0)
show information about the progress of the loop
inline void info() const
inline void setposition(int k, int c, int m, int extensioncols = -1, int goodextensioncols = -1)
set the position in the dextend structure
inline void setpositionGEC(int k, int goodextensioncols)
set the position in the dextend structure
Public Members
int verbose
const arraydata_t *ad
int loglevelcol
double logtime
print progress every x seconds
arraylist_t extension_column_list
int writearrays
if set to true write arrays to disk
int discardJ5
long discardJ5number
if true, then we discard the designs which have J5 maximal
arraywriter_t *arraywriter
inline depth_extend_t(const arraydata_t *ad_, double _logtime = 10000000, int _discardJ5 = -1)
struct depth_extensions_storage_t
- #include <evenodd.h>
Helper structure for the even-odd depth extension.
Public Functions
inline void resize(size_t s)
inline void set(int ai, const arraylist_t &goodarrays, const arraylist_t &extension_column_list, depth_alg_t depthalg, const depth_extend_sub_t &dextendsub)
Public Members
std::vector<arraylist_t> columnextensionsList
std::vector<arraylist_t> goodarrayslist
std::vector<depth_alg_t> depthalglist
std::vector<depth_extend_sub_t> dextendsubList
inline void resize(size_t s)
struct jindex_t
- #include <evenodd.h>
helper class for indexing statistics of designs
The index consists of the number of columns and the value for the J-characteristic
class Jcounter
- #include <evenodd.h>
object to hold counts of maximum J_k-values
Public Functions
inline Jcounter()
inline Jcounter(int N, int jj = 5, int k = -1)
bool validData()
bool hasColumn(int col) const
return true if specified column is in the data
inline bool isOpen() const
inline void showPerformance() const
long narrays() const
void show() const
show statistics of the object
int maxCols() const
long getCount(int k, int j) const
std::vector<long> getTotalsJvalue(int jval) const
std::vector<long> getTotals() const
void showcompact() const
show statistics of the object
void addArrays(const arraylist_t &arraylist, int verbose = 0)
add list of arrays to object
void addArray(const array_link &al, int verbose = 0)
add single array to statistics object
Public Members
int N
number of rows
int jj
std::vector<int> fvals
double dt
time needed for calculation
Private Functions
void init(int N, int jj, int k = -1)
inline Jcounter()