Interface for graph tools
This file contains definitions and functions related to graphs and designs.
Author: Pieter Eendebak, (C) 2016
Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
enum matrix_isomorphism_t
Isomorphism types for matrices
Isotopy: permute rows, columns and symbols Matrix isomorphism: permute rows and columns Conference isomorphism: permute rows, columns and to row and column negations (values in 0, +1, -1) Orthogonal array isomorphism: permutations of rows, columns and column symbol permutations
enumerator ISOTOPY
isotopy: permute rows, columns and symbols
permute rows and columns
permute rows, columns and to row and column negations (values in 0, +1, -1)
permutations of rows, columns and column symbol permutations
enumerator ISOTOPY
array_link transformGraph(const array_link &graph, const std::vector<int> vertex_permutation, int verbose = 1)
Apply a vertex permutation to a graph.
array_transformation_t reduceOAnauty(const array_link &array, int verbose = 0)
Reduce an orthogonal array to Nauty minimal form. the array transformation is returned.
array_transformation_t reduceOAnauty(const array_link &array, int verbose, const arraydata_t &arrayclass)
Reduce an orthogonal array to Nauty minimal form. the array transformation is returned.
std::pair<array_link, std::vector<int>> array2graph(const array_link &array, int verbose = 1)
Convert orthogonal array to graph representation
The conversion method is as in Ryan and Bulutoglu. The resulting graph is bi-partite. The graph representation can be used for isomorphism testing.
std::pair<array_link, std::vector<int>> array2graph(const array_link &array, int verbose, const arraydata_t &arrayclass)
Convert orthogonal array to graph representation
The conversion method is as in Ryan and Bulutoglu. The resulting graph is bi-partite. The graph representation can be used for isomorphism testing.
array_transformation_t oagraph2transformation(const std::vector<int> &pp, const arraydata_t &arrayclass, int verbose = 1)
From a relabelling of the graph return the corresponding array transformation.
isomorphism type for column and row permtations and column permutations
namespace nauty
std::vector<int> reduceNauty(const array_link &graph, std::vector<int> colors, int verbose = 0)
Reduce a colored graph to Nauty minimal form
The transformation returned is from the normal form to the specified graph.
- Parameters:
graph – Graph in incidence matrix form
colors – Colors of the graph nodes
verbose – Verbosity level
- Returns:
Relabelling of the graph vertices
std::vector<int> reduceNauty(const array_link &graph, std::vector<int> colors, int verbose = 0)