Interface for conference designs

Contains functionality to generate and analyse conference designs. For more information see:

Author: Pieter Eendebak Copyright: See LICENSE.txt file that comes with this distribution


typedef CandidateGeneratorConference CandidateGenerator


void print_column(const conference_column &column, const char *msg = 0)

print a candidate extension

void showCandidates(const std::vector<conference_column> &column_candidates)

Show a list of candidate extensions


column_candidates – List of candidates to show

array_link conference2DSD(const array_link &conference_design, bool add_zeros = 1)

Convert conference design to definitive screening design

The DSD is created by appending the negated design to the conference design and then appending a row of zeros.

  • conference_design – Array with the conference design

  • add_zeros – If True, then append a row of zeros


The DSD generated from the conference design

array_link reduceConference(const array_link&, int verbose = 0)

Reduce conference matrix to normal form using Nauty

conference_transformation_t reduceConferenceTransformation(const array_link &conference_design, int verbose)

Reduce conference matrix to normal form using Nauty

The design is converted to a graph representation. The graph is then reduced using Nauty to normal form and the resulting graph translated back to a conference design.

  • conference_design – Design to be reduced to normal form

  • verbose – Verbosity level


A transformation that converts the input design to normal form

conference_extend_t extend_conference_matrix(const array_link &design, const conference_t &conference_type, int extcol, int verbose = 1, int maxzpos = -1)

Extend a single conference design with candidate columns

  • design – Conference design

  • conference_type – Type specification for the conference designs

  • extcol – Index of column to generate extensions for

  • verbose – Verbosity level

  • maxzpos – Maximum position of zero in specified design


Structure with information about the possible extensions

arraylist_t extend_conference(const arraylist_t &lst, const conference_t conference_type, int verbose, int select_isomorphism_classes = 0)

Extend a list of conference designs with a single column.

The list of conference designs is extended by adding to each design the candidate extentions generated by CandidateGenerator.

The extension algorithm tries to generate designs in LMC0 normal form and prunes any designs that are not in LMC0 form.

  • lst – List of conference designs

  • conference_type – Type specification for the conference designs

  • verbose – Verbosity level

  • select_isomorphism_classes – If True then select only a single design for each isomorphism class specified by the conference type.


List of generated conference designs

arraylist_t extend_conference_plain(const arraylist_t &lst, const conference_t conference_type, int verbose, int select_isomorphism_classes = 0)

Extend a list of conference designs with a single column, plain version without caching

Research function.

arraylist_t extend_conference_restricted(const arraylist_t &lst, const conference_t conference_type, int verbose)

Extend a list of conference designs with a single column

Research function.

arraylist_t extend_double_conference(const arraylist_t &lst, const conference_t conference_type, int verbose)

Extend a list of double conference matrices with an additional column

The list of designs is extended by adding each design with the candidate extentions generated by CandidateGeneratorDouble.

  • lst – List of double conference designs

  • conference_type – Type specification for the double conference designs

  • verbose – Verbosity level


List of generated double conference designs

arraylist_t selectConferenceIsomorpismClasses(const arraylist_t &list, int verbose, matrix_isomorphism_t itype = CONFERENCE_ISOMORPHISM)

Select representatives for the isomorphism classes of a list of conference arrays

The method uses Nauty for reduction to normal form and selection of isomorphism classes.

  • list – List of designs

  • verbose – Verbosity level

  • itype – Specification of the type of isomorphism to use


Selected isomorphism classes

std::vector<int> selectConferenceIsomorpismIndices(const arraylist_t &lst, int verbose, matrix_isomorphism_t itype = CONFERENCE_ISOMORPHISM)

select representatives for the isomorphism classes of a list of conference arrays, return indices of classes

arraylist_t selectLMC0doubleconference(const arraylist_t &list, int verbose, const conference_t &ctype)

Select double conference designs in LMC0 form

  • list – List of double conference designs

  • verbose – Verbosity level

  • ctype – Specifiation of the class of designs


List with only the designs in the input list that are in LMC0 normal form.

arraylist_t selectLMC0(const arraylist_t &list, int verbose, const conference_t &ctype)

Select conference designs in LMC0 form

  • list – List of conference designs

  • verbose – Verbosity level

  • ctype – Specification of the class of designs


List with only the designs in the input list that are in LMC0 normal form.

std::vector<conference_column> generateConferenceExtensions(const array_link &array, const conference_t &conference_type, int zero_index, int verbose = 1, int filter_symmetry = 1, int filterj2 = 1)

Generate candidate extensions for a conference design

  • array – Design to be extended

  • conference_type – Class of conference designs

  • zero_index – Index of zero in candidate column

  • verbose – Verbosity level

  • filter_symmetry – If True, filter based on symmetry

  • filterj2 – If True, filter based on J2 values


List of generated extensions

std::vector<conference_column> generateConferenceRestrictedExtensions(const array_link &array, const conference_t &conference_type, int zero_index, int verbose = 1, int filter_symmetry = 1, int filterip = 1)

Generate candidate extensions for restricted isomorphism classes

std::vector<conference_column> generateDoubleConferenceExtensions(const array_link &array, const conference_t &conference_type, int verbose = 1, int filter_symmetry = 1, int filterip = 1, int filterJ3 = 0, int filter_symmetry_inline = 1)

generate extensions for double conference matrices in LMC0 form

std::vector<conference_column> generateSingleConferenceExtensions(const array_link &array, const conference_t &conference_type, int zero_index, int verbose, int filter_symmetry, int filterj2, int filterj3, int filter_symmetry_inline = 0)

generate extensions for conference matrices in LMC0 form

The the method assumes that the input array is in LMC0 format. In particular, the element at row 0 and column 0 of the design should be a zero.

  • array – Design to generate extensions for

  • conference_type – Specification of the type of designs

  • zero_index – Passed to checkZeroPosition to determine whether a zero in the extension column is in a valid position

  • verbose – Verbosity level

  • filter_symmetry – If True than reject extensions which are not minimal according to the row symmetry group of the specified design

  • filterj2 – If True than reject extensions which do not satisfy the J2 criterea

  • filterj3 – If True than reject extensions which do not satisfy the J3 criterea

  • filter_symmetry_inline – Quick rejection of extensions which do not satisfy the symmetry criterion.


List of extensions of the design

int maxz(const array_link &al, int column_index = -1)

return max position of zero in array, returns -1 if no zero is found

The parameter k specifies the column to search in. For k=-1 all columns are searched.

Return true if the first array is smaller in LMC-0 ordering than the second array

arraylist_t sortLMC0(const arraylist_t &arrays)

sort list of conference designs according to LMC0 ordering

lmc_t LMC0checkDC(const array_link &al, int verbose = 0)
lmc_t LMC0check(const array_link &array, int verbose = 0)
bool isConferenceFoldover(const array_link &array, int verbose = 0)

return true if the design is a foldover array

For a double conference design return a row permutation to a single conference design

If the design is not a foldover design then the first element of the returned permutation is -1.


double_conference – A double conference design


Permutation such that the top block of the resulting design forms a single conference design

int minz(const array_link &al, int column_index)

return minimal position of zero in specified column of a design

class conference_t
#include <conference.h>

Structure representing the type of conference designs.

Public Types

enum conference_type

Type of conference design.



normal conference design


conference design with zeros only on diagonal

enumerator DCONFERENCE

double conference design

Public Functions


Structure representing the type of conference designs

conference_t(int N, int k, int j1zero)

Structure representing the type of conference designs

  • N – Number of rows

  • k – Number of columns

  • j1zero – If True then require the J1-characteristics to be zero

conference_t(const conference_t &rhs)

Structure representing the type of conference designs

std::string idstr() const
array_link create_root() const

create the unique representative of the 2 column conference design in LMC0 form

array_link create_root_three_columns() const

create the unique representative of the 3 column conference design in LMC0 form

arraylist_t createDoubleConferenceRootArrays() const

create the root arrays with 1 column for the double conference matrices

arraylist_t createRootArrays() const

return the list of root arrays for the class of conference designs

inline std::string __repr__() const

return string representation of the object

Public Members

rowindex_t N

number of runs

colindex_t ncols

total number of columns (factors) in the design

conference_type ctype

defines the type of designs

matrix_isomorphism_t itype

defines the isomorphism type

bool j1zero

if true then J1 values should be zero

bool j3zero

if true then J3 values should be zero

class CandidateGeneratorBase
#include <conference.h>

Class to generate candidate extensions with caching

We assume that the designs to be extended are run ordered, so that the caching has maximal effect.

The key idea used is that any valid extension of a design A with k columns is a permutation of a valid extension of the design B obtained by taking the first l < k columns of A. The permutations that are allowed are called the symmetry inflations. All the j2 checks performed for the extension of B do not have to be repeated for the permutations of this extension.

Subclassed by CandidateGeneratorConference, CandidateGeneratorDouble

Public Functions

CandidateGeneratorBase(const array_link &al, const conference_t &ct)
void showCandidates(int verbose = 1) const

Show the candidate extensions for each column

conference_column_list candidates(int k)

return all candidates for the kth column

Public Members

conference_t ct

type of designs to generate

int verbose

verbosity level

mutable array_link al

last array analyzed

mutable int last_valid

index of last valid column

Protected Functions

inline int startColumn(const array_link &alx, int verbose = 0) const

Find the starting column for the extension of a design

The static variable START_COL is the number of columns for which is the starting point if the cache is empty. Therefore for a design with initial columns the same, START_COL+1 is the first number of columns with valid entries.

For startcol k the elements in candidate_list[k] are valid, e.g. we can start with extensions valid for index k-1

Protected Attributes

mutable std::vector<conference_column_list> candidate_list

list of candidate extensions. the elements of candidate_list[k] correspond to columns with index k-1

Protected Static Attributes

static const int START_COL = 2
class CandidateGeneratorConference : public CandidateGeneratorBase
#include <conference.h>

Class to generate conference candidate extensions.

Public Functions

CandidateGeneratorConference(const array_link &al, const conference_t &ct)

Generate a list of candidate extensions for the specified design.

std::vector<conference_column> generateCandidatesZero(const array_link &al, int kz) const

generate all candidate extensions with a zero at the specified position

class CandidateGeneratorDouble : public CandidateGeneratorBase
#include <conference.h>

Class to generate double conference candidate extensions with caching.

Public Functions

CandidateGeneratorDouble(const array_link &al, const conference_t &ct)

Generate a list of candidate extensions for the specified design

This method uses symmetry inflation, assumes j1=0 and j2=0. Optimal performance is achieved when the arrays to be extended have identical first columns.

struct conference_extend_t
#include <conference.h>

Helper structure containing extensions of conference designs

Public Functions

inline conference_column combine(int i, int j) const

list of candidate extensions

inline size_t nExtensions() const

return the set of extension arrays

Public Members

std::vector<conference_column> first
std::vector<conference_column> second

list of first block candidate extensions

std::vector<conference_column> extensions

list of first block candidate extensions

class DconferenceFilter
#include <conference.h>

class to filter single or double conference designs

Public Functions

DconferenceFilter(const array_link &_als, int filter_symmetry, int filterj2_, int filterj3_ = 1)
void show() const

print object to stdout

std::vector<conference_column> filterList(const std::vector<conference_column> &lst, int verbose = 0) const

filter a list of columns using the filter method

std::vector<conference_column> filterListJ2last(const std::vector<conference_column> &column_list) const
std::vector<conference_column> filterListZero(const std::vector<conference_column> &lst) const

filter a list of cperms using the filterZero method

bool filter(const conference_column &c) const

return True if the extension satisfies all checks

bool filterJpartial(const conference_column &column, int maxrow) const

Filter on partial column (only last col)

  • column – Extension column

  • maxrow – the number of rows that are valid

bool filterJ(const conference_column &column, int j2start = 0) const

return True if the extension satisfies all J-characteristic checks

bool filterJlast(const conference_column &c, int j2start = 0) const

return True if the extension satisfies all J-characteristic checks for the last columns

bool filterReason(const conference_column &column) const

return True if the extension satisfies all checks. prints the reason for returning True or False to stdout

bool filterJ3(const conference_column &column) const

return True if the candidate satisfies the J3 check

bool filterJ3s(const conference_column &column, int idxstart) const

return True if the candidate satisfies the J3 check for specified pairs

bool filterJ3inline(const conference_column &column) const

return True if the candidate satisfies the J3 check

bool filterSymmetry(const conference_column &column) const

return True of the candidate satisfies the symmetry check

bool filterJ2(const conference_column &c) const

return True of the candidate extension satisfies the J2 check

bool filterJ2last(const conference_column &c) const

return True of the candidate extension satisfies the J2 check for the last column of the array checked against

bool filterZero(const conference_column &c) const

return True of the candidate extension satisfies the zero check

This means that the first entries of the extension do not contain a zero.

Public Members

array_link als
int filtersymm

filter based on symmetry

int filterj2

filter based on j2 value

int filterj3

filter based on j3 value

int filterfirst

filter only columns with first value >=0

int filterzero

filter based on first occurence of zero in a column

mutable long ngood
int inline_row

row at which infile filtering is performed

symmdata sd

Private Members

array_link dtable

table of J2 vectors for J3 filter

array_link inline_dtable

table of J2 vectors for inline J3 filter

std::vector<int> check_indices

indices to check for symmetry check

int minzvalue

used for filtering based on zero