Interface for LMC normal forms

This file contains definitions and functions to perform minimal form tests and reductions.

Author: Pieter Eendebak

Copyright: See LICENSE file that comes with this distribution




typedef unsigned int rowsort_value_t
typedef rowindex_t rowsortlight_t
typedef larray<rowindex_t> rowpermtypelight
typedef larray<colindex_t> colpermtypelight
typedef std::vector<int> colpermtype
typedef std::vector<colpermtype> colpermset
typedef std::shared_ptr<symmdata> symmdataPointer
typedef double jj45_t

Value representing the ordered combination of J5 and the 5 J4-values in the J54 ordering.


enum lmc_t

Possible results for the LMC check


enumerator LMC_LESS

Found a permutation which leads to a lexicographically smaller array.

enumerator LMC_EQUAL

Found a permutation which leads to a lexicographically equal array.

enumerator LMC_MORE

Found a permutation which leads to a lexicographically larger array.

enumerator LMC_NONSENSE

No valid result.

enum algorithm_t

different algorithms for minimal form check


enumerator MODE_LMC

LMC minimal form.

enumerator MODE_J4

LMC minimal form with J4 method.

enumerator MODE_J5ORDER

J5 minimal form.

enumerator MODE_J5ORDERX

J5 minimal form.

enumerator MODE_INVALID

Automatically select the algorithm.


debugging method

enumerator MODE_LMC_2LEVEL

LMC minimal form, specialized for 2-level arrays.

enumerator MODE_LMC_DEBUG

debugging method

enumerator MODE_J5ORDER_2LEVEL

J5 minimal form for 2-level arrays.

enum initcolumn_t

method used for initialization of columns



Initialize column with zeros.


Initialize column with values of previous column.

enumerator INITCOLUMN_J5

Initialize column with values based on J5 value.

enum j5structure_t

variations of the J45 structures


enumerator J5_ORIGINAL

Ordering based in J5 in succesive columns.

enumerator J5_45

Ordering based on J5 and the 5-tuple of J4 values. Also called the L5 ordering.


variable indicating the state of the reduction process



the reduction is equal to the initial


the reduction was changed

enum OA_MODE

main mode for the LMC routine: test, reduce or reduce with initialization


enumerator OA_TEST

test for minimal form

enumerator OA_REDUCE

reduce to minimal form


reduce to partial minimal form


initial state for reduction algorithm


enumerator COPY

copy from array argument

enumerator INIT

initialized by user

enumerator SETROOT

set initial state to root array


inline std::string algorithm_t_list()

Return string representation of available algorithm modes.

std::string algnames(algorithm_t m)

return name of the algorithm

static inline bool operator<(const rowsort_t &a, const rowsort_t &b)

Comparision operator for the rowsort_t structure.

static inline bool operator>(const rowsort_t &a, const rowsort_t &b)

Comparision operator for the rowsort_t structure.

void apply_hadamard(array_link &al, colindex_t hcolumn)

Apply Hadamard transformation to orthogonal array.

LMCreduction_helper_t *acquire_LMCreduction_object()

return static structure from dynamic global pool, return with releaseGlobalStatic

void release_LMCreduction_object(LMCreduction_helper_t *p)
void clear_LMCreduction_pool()

release all objects in the pool

bool valid_ptr(const symmdataPointer &sd)

Return true if the (smart) symmdataPointer pointer is allocated

template<class Type>
void insert_if_not_at_end_of_vector(std::vector<Type> &cp, const Type &value)

Append element to vector if the element the element is not at the end of vector.

bool is_root_form(const array_link &array, int strength)

Return True if the array is in root form

  • array – Array to check

  • strength – Strength to use


True if the array is in root form for the specified strength

lmc_t LMCreduction_train(const array_link &al, const arraydata_t *ad, LMCreduction_t *reduction, const OAextend &oaextend)

helper function for LMC reduction

lmc_t LMCcheck(const array_t *array, const arraydata_t &ad, const OAextend &oaextend, LMCreduction_t &reduction)

Perform LMC check or reduction on an array.

lmc_t LMCcheck(const array_link &array, const arraydata_t &ad, const OAextend &oaextend, LMCreduction_t &reduction)

Perform LMC check or reduction on an array.

Perform LMC check on an orthogonal array


array – Array to be checked for LMC minimal form


Result of the LMC check

Perform LMC check on a 2-level orthogonal array

The algorithm used is the original algorithm from “Complete enumeration of pure-level and mixed-level orthogonal arrays”, Schoen et al, 2009


array – Array to be checked for LMC minimal form


Result of the LMC check

void reduceArraysGWLP(const arraylist_t &input_arrays, arraylist_t &reduced_arrays, int verbose, int dopruning = 1, int strength = 2, int dolmc = 1)

reduce arrays to canonical form using delete-1-factor ordering

array_transformation_t reductionDOP(const array_link &array, int verbose = 0)

Caculate the transformation reducing an array to delete-on-factor normal

The normal form is described in “A canonical form for non-regular arrays based on generalized wordlength pattern values of delete-one-factor projections”, Eendebak, 2014

  • array – Orthogonal array

  • verbose – Verbosity level


The transformation that reduces the array to normal form

array_link reduceDOPform(const array_link &array, int verbose = 0)

Reduce an array to canonical form using delete-1-factor ordering

The normal form is described in “A canonical form for non-regular arrays based on generalized wordlength pattern values of delete-one-factor projections”, Eendebak, 2014

  • array – Orthogonal array

  • verbose – Verbosity level


The array transformed to normal form

void selectUniqueArrays(arraylist_t &input_arrays, arraylist_t &output_arrays, int verbose = 1)

select the unique arrays in a list, the original list is sorted in place. the unique arrays are append to the output list

std::vector<GWLPvalue> projectionDOFvalues(const array_link &array, int verbose = 0)

Calculate projection values for delete-of-factor algorithm

reduce an array to canonical form using LMC ordering

std::vector<int> LMCcheckLex(arraylist_t const &list, arraydata_t const &ad, int verbose = 0)

Apply LMC check (original mode) to a list of arrays

lmc_t LMCcheckLex(array_link const &array, arraydata_t const &arrayclass)

Perform minimal form check with LMC ordering.

lmc_t LMCcheckj4(array_link const &array, arraydata_t const &arrayclass, LMCreduction_t &reduction, const OAextend &oaextend, int jj = 4)

Perform minimal form check with J4 ordering.

lmc_t LMCcheckj5(array_link const &array, arraydata_t const &arrayclass, LMCreduction_t &reduction, const OAextend &oaextend)

Perform minimal form check for J5 ordering (in the paper this is called the L5 ordering)

void print_rowsort(rowsort_t *rowsort, int N)

Print the contents of a rowsort structure.

  • rowsort – Pointer to rowsort structure

  • N – Number of elements

void print_column_rowsort(const array_t *arraycol, rowsort_t *rowsort, int N)


const algorithm_t MODE_ORIGINAL = MODE_LMC
struct LMCreduction_helper_t
#include <lmc.h>

Contains structures used by the LMC reduction or LMC check.

Part of the allocations is for structures that are constant and are re-used each time an LMC calculation is performed. Some other structures are temporary buffers that are written to all the time.

Public Functions

inline void show(int verbose = 1) const
void init(const arraydata_t *adp)
void freeall()
int update(const arraydata_t *adp)

update structure with new design specification

int needUpdate(const arraydata_t *adp) const
void init_root_stage(levelperm_t *&lperm_p, colperm_t *&colperm_p, const arraydata_t *adp)
void init_nonroot_stage(levelperm_t *&lperm_p, colperm_t *&colperm_p, colperm_t *&localcolperm_p, dyndata_t **&dynd_p, int &dynd_p_nelem, array_t *&colbuffer, const arraydata_t *adp) const
inline void init_rootrowperms(int &totalperms, rowperm_t *&rootrowperms, levelperm_t *&lperm_p)

Static initialization of root row permutations.

inline void init_rootrowperms_full(int &totalperms, rowperm_t *&rootrowperms, levelperm_t *&lperm_p)

Static initialization of root row permutations (full group)

Public Members

int LMC_non_root_init
int LMC_root_init
int LMC_reduce_root_rowperms_init
arraydata_t *ad
int LMC_root_rowperms_init
int nrootrowperms

number of root row permutations

rowperm_t *rootrowperms

pointer to row permutations that leave the root unchanged

int LMC_root_rowperms_init_full
int nrootrowperms_full
rowperm_t *rootrowperms_full
array_t *colbuffer
dyndata_t **dyndata_p

buffer for a single column

colindex_t **colperm_p

dynamic data; row permutations

colindex_t **localcolperm_p

column permutations

array_transformation_t *current_trans

local column permutation

struct LMCreduction_t
#include <lmc.h>

Class to describe an LMC reduction.

The most important variable is the transformation itself, contained in transformation. The state contains information about how the reduction was performed.

Public Functions

LMCreduction_t(const LMCreduction_t &at)
LMCreduction_t(const arraydata_t *arrayclass)

copy constructor

LMCreduction_t &operator=(const LMCreduction_t &at)
inline array_link getArray() const

Assignment operator.

inline void setArray(const array_t *array, int nrows, int ncols)
inline void updateSDpointer(const array_link al, bool cache = false)

update the pointer to the symmetry data based on the specified array

inline void releaseStatic()

release internal LMCreduction_helper_t object

inline void initStatic()

acquire a reference to a LMCreduction_helper_t object

inline LMCreduction_helper_t &getReferenceReductionHelper()

return a reference to a object with LMC reduction data

void reset()

reset the reduction: clears the symmetries and sets the transformation to zero

void show(int verbose = 2) const
std::string __repr__() const
void updateFromLoop(const arraydata_t &ad, const dyndata_t &dynd, levelperm_t *lperms, const array_t *original)

called whenever we find a reduction

void updateTransformation(const arraydata_t &ad, const dyndata_t &dynd, levelperm_t *lperms, const array_t *original)
inline void updateLastCol(int col)

Public Members

array_t *array
array_transformation_t *transformation

pointer to transformation_t structure

OA_MODE mode
INIT_STATE init_state
int maxdepth

maximum depth for search tree

int lastcol

last column visited in algorithm

long nred

counter for number of reductions made

int targetcol
int mincol
int nrows
int ncols
LMCreduction_helper_t *staticdata
symmdataPointer sd

Private Functions

void free()
class rowsorter_t
#include <lmc.h>

Structure to sort rows of arrays.

Public Functions

rowsorter_t(int number_of_rows)

Public Members

int number_of_rows
rowsort_t *rowsort

Private Functions

void reset_rowsort()
struct dyndata_t
#include <lmc.h>

Contains dynamic data of an array.

The dynamic data are used in the inner loops of the LMC algorithm. In particular they keep track of the current row ordering and column permutation. By not applying these transformations to the array we can save calculation time.

We try to prevent copying the object, so it is re-used at different levels in the algorithm.

  • N: static

    • col: changes at each column level

  • rowsort: changes at each column level, used mainly in non-root stage

  • colperm: changes at all levels

    See also


Public Functions

dyndata_t(int N, int col = 0)
dyndata_t(const dyndata_t *dd)
dyndata_t(const dyndata_t&)
dyndata_t &operator=(const dyndata_t&)
void show() const
void reset()
inline void setColperm(const colperm_t perm, int n)
inline void setColperm(const larray<colindex_t> &perm)
inline void setColperm(const std::vector<colindex_t> &perm)
void getRowperm(rowpermtypelight &rp) const

get lightweight row permutation

void getRowperm(rowperm_t &rperm) const

get row permutation

rowpermtypelight getRowperm() const

return lightweight row permutation

colpermtypelight getColperm() const

return column permutation

void getColperm(colpermtypelight &cp) const

set column permutation

inline void allocate_rowsortl()

allocate lightweight rowsort structure

inline void deleterowsortl()
inline void initrowsortl()

initialize rowsortl from rowsort

inline void rowsortl2rowsort()

copy rowsortl variable to rowsrt

void copydata(const dyndata_t &dd)

Public Members

colindex_t col

active column

rowindex_t N

number of rows

rowsort_t *rowsort

ordering of rows

rowsortlight_t *rowsortl
colperm_t colperm

current column permutation

Private Functions

void initdata(const dyndata_t &dd)